Episode 6, "Start-Up Power with Prof. Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes"Start Ups are the drivers of innovation, they turn then into products that change the way we communicate, do business or spend our free time. They can do this much faster than established companies because they can focus and act much faster. Alexander Pinker and Dieter Brockmeyer discuss with the global DeepTech, Start Up expert and UN peace ambassador Prof. Dr. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes the roles, how to support and how to make sure it is for all our benefit.

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- We guide you to the future! -

Once a month "Today & Tomorrow" talks about the world of tomorrow and how trends and technologies of today are going to influence the world to come. 

The podcast is open for expert guests from diplomacy, society and business. The audience too is invited to join the debate.

The podcast is hosted by Dieter Brockmeyer, cofounder of the Diplomatic World Institute and director of innovation; Alexander Pinker, Innovation Profiler and Futurist and Sanjay Sauldie, international digital business expert, coach and trainer.

The audio version of this podcast can be accessed on SPOTIFY and other platforms.

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